Benefits of Dance
We invite you to experience the many benefits of ballroom dancing. More than just steps put to music, dancing will enhance your life in many ways:

  • Physical Health. Dancing is great exercise. It improves your cardiovascular system, muscle tone, bone density, flexibility, strength, and balance. This low-impact aerobic activity also burns calories.
  • Mental Health. Studies show that dancing is the number one physical activity to improve cognitive function and reduce your chances of dementia. Dancing requires you to use multiple parts of your brain at the same time, increasing brain power and improving mental sharpness and agility.
  • Confidence. Increase your self-confidence and enjoy yourself more in social situations. You’ll experience improved energy and feel more motivated and positive.
  • Relaxation. Dancing provides an enjoyable escape from your normal routine. It provides an excellent opportunity to relax, it relieves stress, and allows some important “me” or “us” time in our otherwise busy lives.
  • Self-Expression. Dance provides an emotional and creative outlet. You’ll learn how to express your feelings through your body movements with style and passion.
  • Social Interaction. Dancing is a great way to meet people and make new friends. Dancers build lasting memories and friendships with one another. Lessons are also a perfect way for couples to rediscover romance.
  • Fun. Dancing adds excitement to your life and lifts your spirits. You’ll be surrounded by cheerful people and enjoy the pleasurable and rewarding experience of learning something new.